07 Top Debugging Techniques In iOS App Development

While creating an operating system, application, or any other software, every programmer can run into flaws or faults in their code. In these situations, programmers utilize debugging and tools to detect defects in a code and eliminate errors from the program or code. There is a possibility of locating the bug and where in the complete program it has occurred. It is a crucial procedure in software technology to detect defects in any new program or application process.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common debugging techniques for iOS app development and the tools they use to make the process easier.

What Is Debugging?

Debugging is a crucial method for identifying and fixing the various faults, bugs, and defects in software. Software development involves several steps. It entails locating the bug’s cause, identifying the bug, and fixing the issue to make the application error-free. In software development, the developer can use this method to determine the program’s code error and fix it. As a result, it is essential to every stage of the software development lifecycle. 

Debugging Techniques For iOS Developers

Here are some key aspects you need to consider for debugging. 



Breakpoints are one of the most fundamental debugging tools available to iOS developers. Breakpoints allow you to pause your code execution at a specific line, so you can inspect the state of your variables and examine your code’s behavior. Breakpoints can be added by clicking in the left gutter of your code editor or by pressing “Cmd + “.

Debugging Console

The debugging console is another essential tool for debugging in iOS development. The console provides real-time feedback on your app’s performance, including any errors or exceptions that are thrown. It’s also a great place to add logging statements to help you understand what’s going on in your code. To open the console, choose the “Debug Area” from the “View” menu in Xcode.

Pointer Debugging

Pointer debugging is an advanced debugging technique used to find memory management errors in iOS apps. Memory management issues can lead to crashes, stability problems, and slow performance, so it’s significant to address them as soon as possible. Pointer debugging allows you to identify when objects are being deallocated prematurely or when objects are leaking.


LLDB is the default debugger in Xcode and is a powerful tool for debugging iOS apps. LLDB provides a powerful command-line interface that allows you to inspect your code and interact with your app while it’s running. LLDB provides a wealth of information about your app, including the stack trace, the values of variables, and the status of your app’s threads.

Simulator Debugging

The iOS Simulator is a powerful tool for debugging iOS apps. The Simulator provides a safe environment for testing your apps, allowing you to test various scenarios and conditions without having to run your app on an actual device. Simulator debugging entitles you to pause your app execution, inspect variables, and see how your app is responding to different inputs. 

Unit Tests

Unit tests are automated tests to validate individual pieces of code. Unit tests are run each time your code changes, ensuring that your code remains stable and error-free. Unit tests provide fast feedback on your code’s behavior, allowing you to catch issues early in the development process.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are software development practices that involve automating the build, testing, and deployment of your code. CI/CD helps ensure that your code is always in a releasable state, reducing the risk of bugs and other issues. CI/CD also helps you identify issues early in the development process, reducing the time required to fix them.

Now Let’s move toward the debugging process which is also very essential part of website design and development.

Process For Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying problems or bugs in any software or application and correcting them. This procedure should be carried out before the products’ release to ensure that they are free of bugs. These are the steps that make up this procedure:

  • Finding The Error – This saves time and helps to prevent mistakes at the user site. Error-solving and time-wasting decrease when mistakes are found earlier in the process.
  • Locating The Error – To execute the code and resolve the bug more quickly, we need to find the exact position of the error.
  • The Analysation Of Error: Analyzing the error is necessary to identify the type of fault or error and lower the overall error rate.
  • Prove The Analysis: Once you review the error, we must then demonstrate the analysis. 

Final Wording

Last but not least, debugging is an essential part of the iOS app development process, and there are many tools and techniques available to help you identify and resolve problems in your code. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced iOS developer. Also, users can explore UI/UX design services for better iOS apps.

05 Ultimate Guide On Social Media Software Development 

Social media applications have drastically changed the way we communicate. Not to mention that the social media platforms and networks we utilize now can influence politics, business, society, and education.

It is the main justification for why companies of all sizes are trying to have a scalable social media presence to reach as many audiences as they can. Therefore, you are in the right place if your first search is “how to create a social networking application that works for my business.”

Before you proceed to develop your own social media platform, get acquainted with all you need to know with the help of this social media software development guide. This manual will also assist you in determining whether creating a social platform is a wise business move. Let’s get right to the specifics.

Purpose Of Making A Social Networking App, And What Is It

Particularly on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, and Linkedin, where your business may flourish to new heights, the term “social media app” is highly valued and alluring in the market.

With the help of a feature in the app, people can share similar interests, experiences, or real-life contacts with others through this android and iOS application. A social network is a sizable online content market for people to build social networks and relationships with people with similar tastes and interests. When choosing iOS app developers for your new project, be sure to pick a team that has experience and dedication.

The design of a simple user interface, an open panel for connecting with individuals from all over the world, and the chance to promote your company are all included in social media application development. It encourages customers to stay in touch with your company; it’s a fundamental feature of a social networking app.

Let’s move further in this article to learn about the features of social media apps. 

Features Of Social Media Apps


There are many kinds of social media applications, and the functionality varies depending on the content, target market, and niche. So, we’re here to list all the characteristics that different social media apps have in common:

  • Sign up and Sign in- In this feature lets users create and set up their profile and access it at any time.
  • Edit profile- this feature does desired modifications to the information submitted in the profile.
  • Account authorization- this segment improves the security of the app and your social media account.
  • In-app messenger- this feature applies to communicating and linking with your social media friends.
  • Photos, Videos, and Posts- this feature conveys your photos, videos, or what is on your mind with your social media friends. 

Apart from this, there are lots of advanced features of social media apps available, Like as:- 

  • Profile Customization
  • In-App Calls
  • Voice-enabled chat
  • Network Building
  • Text Editors
  • Third-Party Integrations

You can’t build a social media application overnight; you need a team that includes:

  1. UX/UI design services
  2. Developers
  3. QA analysts
  4. Testers
  5. Project managers
  6. Support providers

As we already discussed the features, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of developing social media apps. 

Benefits Of Social Media Apps

The use of social media has grown significantly in recent years. Everyone uses it. By fostering social connections, it improves the business sector in numerous ways. It might have many benefits that we are still unaware of. The advantages of a social app are as follows:

Heightened Audience Reach

The first and most important benefit is that a dedicated social networking mobile app will boost the reach of your business among the appropriate demographic. The likelihood that an app will be downloaded and used will grow, thus the more interactive it is, the better.

Lower Cost & Effective SEO

The mobile app is essentially your platform, so you can add as much content as you want with as many keywords as you want in as many different ways, provide as many backlinks as you want, and encourage people to debate your crucial keywords.

No Extra Cost For Paid Advertising

Every year, users spend millions on social media advertising. And the majority of it involves you paying the businesses for the consumer information they possess so that you can properly target your niche market.

All of it is in-house with your social networking mobile app, so there is no need to spend money on advertising.

Improved Web Traffic

It would be simpler to reroute traffic if one planned to create a social networking app because those who would visit the app would essentially be the ones with higher intent or interest in your product or service.

This increase in traffic will help your website’s search engine rating, improving its accessibility to all users.

Engaging The Target Audience Straight Away

When developing a social media app, one aims to establish a page and engage in competition with other pages to draw in the target market. Additionally, there may be continuous and direct communication between a user and the app developer.


We hope the learners will love reading this article. We mentioned all the key points regarding social media apps. Also, social media app development helps in web development services which we will learn about in the next post. 

Thanks for reading!

06 Android App Development Mistakes To Avoid

We can say mobile app development refers to the core software development. The smartphone and other devices will use the software.

Without the usage of cell phones, our thinking is impossible. The gadgets were not at the top of the list back then. But as time and technology have progressed, cell phones now have a more contemporary feel. An APP is one of the numerous advantages that have led to a rise in smartphone usage.

Today, we may utilize a variety of applications for a range of needs and purposes. You may obtain any of those, from your necessities to the luxurious. Also, nearly millions of people use it since it is a simpler and more sophisticated method.

Therefore, android app development has become a necessity for every entrepreneur/user.

What is Mobile App Development?

Mobile app development is a process for making mobile apps that run on mobile devices. Users can either download and install these programs themselves or have them pre-installed. They operate with remote computer resources by utilizing the device’s network capabilities. To access backend services for data access through APIs, creating software that can be installed on the device, enabling backend services, and testing the application on target devices are all necessary steps in creating mobile apps.

06 Android Application Development Mistakes 

During android application development, the developers may unintentionally make a few simple mistakes that result in problems. It is crucial to be aware of the issues to prevent such problems.

Several major and minor mistakes made when developing apps are listed below, along with advice on how to prevent them in the future:

Lack of research

Lack of research may have detrimental effects on the entire endeavor. For instance, if you don’t undertake a thorough analysis, you can end up with a product that, contrary to what you would assume, just a few people are interested in utilizing.

The early stages of UI/UX services, and production are crucial for testing hypotheses and refining concepts. Start by considering the final product you want to produce:

  • What specific problem would your product be able to solve?
  • How is it going to be able to do this? Can you in any way perceive it as innovative?
  • Does it fit the model of your business?

You can validate this handful of the most important questions you need to ask yourself. So, it is critical to concentrate on figuring out your potential consumers’ demographics, requirements, and motives while conducting research.

As a result of disregarding feedback

It might be tough to realize that the product you’ve worked so hard to create may need some adjustments, and updates are a hard pill to swallow. However, it would be beneficial if you did not disregard any user comments, particularly when it was critical.

It is not a good idea to make adjustments right away in response to unfavorable feedback. However, the staff must consider the necessity for revisions if enough consumers approach them with the same problem.

Insufficient Budget


The price for your mobile app depends on several factors that most businesses overlook while developing their app.

The first thing to remember is that the cost will depend on the size of the app. A more sophisticated product will need more time to build and will cost more money as a result. Additionally, it’s critical to remember that creating your application involves more than just the construction stage; maintenance and design must also be taken into account when creating your budget.

Taking the marketing for granted

Your app’s creation can prove to be challenging. Even while the day of launch may be a significant accomplishment in and of itself, what comes next is equally important. The market for mobile applications is always expanding, so you’ll need an effective marketing plan to make your app stand out. It should also be a key component of your strategy from the very beginning.

Since the largest error you can make is leaving the marketing to the last minute and not attracting enough attention from the users, you shouldn’t put off promoting your app till the last minute.

Lots of components

The budget will undoubtedly suffer if you create a challenging application, but this isn’t only a cost issue. The development process will take longer as you add more features, and you’ll have to wait longer to see the concluded result. 

Additionally, packing your software with features increases the likelihood that it will be more susceptible. You could assume that people would love the features you’ve added, only to discover later whether they are using them or not.

Mischosen platform(s)

For iOS app development and android development, making your app available on these platforms is the first plan because it will provide you with the widest audience. Despite the possibility that this is the case, simultaneously developing CMS development apps for two platforms would significantly raise the overall cost.

Picking a platform first, then focusing on the OS that your users are most likely to use is a sensible strategy. There are several things to take into account here: While iOS is the most often used alternative in nations like the United States or Japan, Android still dominates the worldwide market. Additionally, clients who use iOS are more inclined to buy applications.


Making android app development may completely alter the course of a company’s expansion. You can ensure that everything goes according to plan if you are aware of the mistakes to avoid. When you focus on the appropriate areas and have a solid team in place, you have a good chance of producing a successful product.